Surprisingly uplifting, [this is] one of the few optimistic comix to come from this talented young man. The viewer must carefully notice the classic layout of the musical notes to realize this is Gene Dillon.
Gene Dillon C.1985; Note by Jay Laws

Paul Friedman 1986

An example of Gene’s maturing, Left Handed Comics series
Gene Dillon C.1986

A classic example of Gene’s creative mind. in this case he uses different background colors and textures as the vehicle for his joke’s punchline.
Gene Dillon C.1986

Larry’s courageous foray into the long form comic. I think this stands up well against SpaceMoose and Achewood.
Larry Lieb C.1986

What can I add to this timeless sentiment? From the Misfits live track, “Horror Business” on their premier, self-titled album.
David Hernandez C. 1985
lol dude y id u make this?